Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013

Penis Ikat Pinggang Elektrik | Fresh Today

Penis Ikat Pinggang Elektrik | Fresh Today

Penis Belt is made of solid silicone material is soft selection and quality so as not to cause disease and irritation of the skin.
Belts Penis Size:
Overall length: 30 cm
Diameter: 7 cm
The frequency of vibration, oscillation, rustling sound in the product can be varied.
Useful for stimulation stimulation in women and men in sexual intercourse (sex).
Using AAAA battery X 4.
Products this tool can automatically rotate to be rocking in all directions, is equipped with special vibra at the base of the penis to tickle and stimulate the clitoris in the female, and the sound of moans that adds to the enormity of the game rotation frequency, vibration, shaking, groaning sound of the product can be be adjusted as desired.
Small product form and manner which enables easy usage to be brought anywhere or use anytime.
With such good shape and prestigious product can be used as a gift (gift) to your friends
Avoid lending products to prevent disease and the things that are not in want.
Country of Origin: Japan
Price: $ 450, 000, -

contact person : 081355866789  or  pin BB 27B5DE4E

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